What do I do if my proxy provider blocks some sites

Some proxy providers use very simplistic rules to block websites. e.g. They use a regular expression, if the site you are trying to access contains torrent, they will cut your connection and give you a warning. Some perfectly legitimate sites are blocked because of this. If you have a server located where these sites aren’t blocked, there’s a very simple workaround. Suppose your socks proxy is listening on Just run...

May 10, 2021 · Ke Wang

Managing access to hundreds of Kubernetes clusters

At work, we manage hundreds of Kubernetes clusters. Some (in production network) requiring proxy, while others (in dev network) doesn’t. How can seamlessly access all of them from my terminal? I built a tool utilizing bash function to solve this elegantly. (to be continued)

April 15, 2021 · Ke Wang

Connecting two computers behind NATs

I use https://github.com/fatedier/frp to do it. (to be continued)

August 28, 2020 · Ke Wang

Managing notes with GitHub

I have tried many note-taking apps, none of them is satisfactory. The issues with these tools are: they force me to memorize a set of shortcut which lowers my productivity they force me to use a rich text editor which is not as good as markdown (I need to spend a lot of time adjusting formats) I feel that I’m not the owner of my data So I tried managing my notes on GitHub....

February 8, 2020 · Ke Wang